// if base file not found in describer, set it to index.php
if(!$baseFile) {if(file_exists(cfAppDocRoot().'/res/'.$res['type'].'/'.$res['subType'].'/index.php')) $baseFile='index.php'; else return false;} // If no base file found, exit
// Copy icons list into a iconName=>iconPath array
foreach ($tIcons[$themeName] as $key=>$value) $tmp[cfFileWithoutExtension(substr($value,strlen(cfAppDocRoot().'/themes/'.$themeName.'/')))]=substr($value,strlen(cfAppDocRoot()));
foreach ($tmp as $iconName=>$value) if(isset($tIcons[$themeName][$iconName.'.png']) && isset($tIcons[$themeName][$iconName.'.gif'])) $tmp[$iconName]=$iconName.'.png'; // Prefer png over gif
|| !@$userConfig['activated'] // user not activated anymore
|| !cfIPFilterCheck($processedSess,$processedSess['accountIP'])) // user's ip not allowed anymore for this group (note: general-defined IP ban/access is controled at every user's request so no need to recheck here)
// Destroy user file
// Proceed with next user file
// Used to see if an user's data must be saved
// Verify currently bound resources are still existing and bound to user
foreach ($processedSess['res'] as $sessShortID=>$sessData){